Photo by Aron Visuals on Unsplash

Time Out

Claudia Casciato


There are points in life where a pause is necessary to recharge and refuel. I have been through exhaustion at a period of time and burn outs from work and life.

Time out is not a punishment. It is a life saver. How do I breathe again on my own?

Pause and meditate. Pause and breathe. Pause and reflect. Pause and BE.

During my burn outs, I questioned “Who am I?” Burning out being a nurse was a write off. A passion of caring for others I loved to do at the point I forgot about my self. I would bring work home. I would try to solve issues of the next day in my sleep and every waking moment. Self care is not selfish.

Time out gave me the chance to connect to my True self. It gave me back again.

I realize the value of self care now. It is never to late to reevaluate who I am. What is my purpose in life? How may I serve?

Pause and imagine. Pause and visualize. Pause and meditate. Pause and manifest.

As I get older or wiser, I am finally letting go to trust the Unknown, Divine source, Universe, heart intelligence and intuition to flow in life.

Time out is a second chance to understand how precious I am. I am my true investment. If I don’t invest in me, how can I grow.

Pause and BE.

Today is a precious jewel for it holds the value of you in it.

Time out is to prioritize in giving and receiving back to me.

Time out is to explore and be curious like a child again.



Claudia Casciato

I have been a nurse for over 10 years specialized with PTSD and chronic pain. Author of "THE MAGIC HORSE". I love writing and back at it.