Today is a Blank CanvasThe choice is the present moment. Imagine setting your day by your thoughts ahead of the day.Sep 29Sep 29
What comes to me is heart intelligence and intuition for I believe intuition is the highest…brings me back to the "the soul of world and personal legend".Sep 29Sep 29
Rise, Shine, LiveRise to believe this is the day of greatness where I shine. Live my best life. New beginnings are on the horizon. Greatness is riding the…Sep 8Sep 8
Art of AllowingMistakes happen all the time. Sometimes the words or actions do not conform for truly who you are. Why be someone else when under the mask…May 4May 4
Catrina, it so interesting sometimes being broken is a part of healing.Trust the Unknown. We are set in the ways till the carpet is pulled from under our feet like ice breaking your leg.Apr 26Apr 26
Rob, I greatly appreciate this article you wrote.The best remedy is to believe in you as the writer and open the creative space to do what you love to do even as a passion. Writing is an…Apr 26Apr 26
Time OutThere are points in life where a pause is necessary to recharge and refuel. I have been through exhaustion at a period of time and burn…Mar 23Mar 23